Anime Verdi a Padova il 4 e 5 maggio 2024 la 7^ edizione del festival di giardini aperti
Torna nel pieno delle fioriture primaverili il festival che apre i portoni dei giardini privati e abitualmente non visitabili di Padova. Presto il programma e tutte le novità, nel frattempo date un'occhiata alle nostre call e all'edizione precedente.
Green Souls - 7th edition of open garden festival Padua, May 4 and 5, 2024
Once again this year Anime Verdi is a welcome confirmation and opens, for an entire weekend, some of the most beautiful gardens in Padua. Among century-old trees, exotic plants, lush lawns, hedges, blooms and architecture that smells of history, visitors can enjoy an unprecedented and surprising city characterized by such breathtaking care and enchantment.
Crossing paths recognizing each other by pass or an open map, taking advantage of the program's myriad suggestions breaks down walls and boundaries, transforming Padua into one big garden for two days of celebration.
From the 23 gardens of the first edition, the Festival has gradually been enriched with new green spaces. 44 gateways will open to wristband holders on May 4 and 5, most of them open on both days.
Anime Verdi welcomes visitors with the hospitality of the owners, the dedication of the volunteers, the attention of the partners and the passion of the experts, guides, artists and authors who will enliven it, making it a unique and choral experience at the same time, in which to breathe beauty and gratitude at the top of one's lungs.
Opening Hours of the Gardens
Saturday, May 4 and Sunday, May 5, 2023, from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2:45 p.m. to 7 p.m.
How it works
● Access to the gardens requires a wristband that can be purchased in advance.
● The entrance bracelet is valid for the entire duration of the festival as long as it is worn visibly and shows no signs of damage.
● Animals, of any size, are not allowed to enter.
● Garden entrances are indicated by Green Souls signage and the presence of volunteers who are responsible for regulating access in compliance with safety regulations, spacing and garden capacity.
● The organization apologizes in advance for any queues and advises to follow the directions provided at registration to avoid gatherings. Real-time information and directions will always be available on the festival's social channels.
● The event will also be held in case of bad weather.
Tickets can be purchased online or at the Infopoint in Piazza delle Erbe, 52
Full: € 9 Reduced under 25: € 5
Free: Minors under 15 years of age accompanied by adults with wristbands and persons with disabilities
Convention for Almuni Members + 2 accompanying persons: € 6.50 (upon presentation of the 2024 card)
During the days when the InfoPoint is open, it is possible to pick up the festival kit (wristband and map), upon presentation of the ticket purchase documents.
During the festival:
Full: € 12 Reduced under 25: € 7
Free: Minors under 15 years of age accompanied by adults with wristbands and persons with disabilitiesConvention for Almuni Members + 2 accompanying persons: € 6.50 (upon presentation of the 2024 card);
Reduction of €2 for visitors to the exhibition “Monet. Masterpieces from the Musée Marmottan Monet in Paris” on presentation of admission ticket with date on or after May 1.
Online: www.animeverdi.it with a small fee and wristband pickup at InfoPoint
Ticket Office: Piazza delle Erbe, 52 from April 23 to May 2 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. (including holidays)
InfoPoint and shop
Piazza delle Erbe, 52, May 3 and 4 from 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. and May 5 from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Info and social
www.animeverdi.it info@animeverdi.it FB and Instagram @animeverdi #animeverdi23
Green Souls is an initiative of
Ufficio Progetto Giovani – Gabinetto del Sindaco del Comune di Padova, Il Raggio Verde e Xena
con il patrocinio dell’Università di Padova, CSV di Padova e Rovigo, Associazione Italiana Architettura del Paesaggio, Associazione Parchi e Giardini d’Italia, in collaborazione con Alumni Unipd, Gruppo Giardino Storico Università di Padova, Società Amici del Giardinaggio Padova, Dipartimento di Psicologia Generale Università di Padova, Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche Geografiche e dell’Antichità Università di Padova, Scuola di Formazione Superiore “Francesco d’Assisi”, Comitato Mura di Padova, Nova Symphonia Patavina, C.O.S.E. IN COMUNA, Artemartours, Bettin Pianoforti, Arthemisia e in media partnership con Il Mattino di Padova e Veneto Segreto.
Via Cernaia, 1/A new
Via Cernaia, 3 new
Via Monte Gallo, 9 re-entry (May 5 only with continuous hours 9:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.)
Via Cappuccini, 1/C (solo 4 maggio con orari ridotti: 9:30 - 12:30 e 15:00 - 19:00)
Piazzale Santa Croce, 44 (May 4 only with reduced hours: 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. and 3 p.m. - 7 p.m.) - place of prayer, please observe silence
Via Alicorno, 7 bis (May 4 only)
Viale Felice Cavallotti (Giardino Alicorno) (May 4 only)
Via Michele Sanmicheli, 65
Via Jacopo Stellini, 5
Prato della Valle , 64 (May 4 only)
Vicolo Cigolo
Prato della Valle, 82 (May 4 only)
Prato della Valle, 22 re-entry (May 5 only)
Piazza del Santo, 11 (May 4 only with reduced hours: 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. and 2:45 p.m. - 6 p.m.) - place of prayer, please observe silence
Via Bartolomeo d'Alviano (Parco Treves)
Via Galileo Galilei, 17
Via Cesare Battisti, 241 (May 4 only)
Via S. Francesco, 118 (May 4 only with reduced hours: 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.) - place of prayer, please observe silence
Via Zabarella, 82
Via Altinate, 116 (May 5 only)
Via Enrico degli Scrovegni, 30 (only 4 afternoon and 5 morning)
Piazza Eremitani, 1 new
Via Francesco Petrarca, 11
Viale della Rotonda new
Via delle Palme, 8 (May 5 only)
Via delle Palme, 24 (May 5 only))
Via Vendramini, 28 re-entry
Via Pilade Bronzetti, 14/A new
Via Raggio di sole, 2 re-entry
Via Raggio di Sole, 3/A (May 5 only)
Via G. B. da Monte, 2 (May 5 only)
Via G. B. da Monte, 5 (May 5 only)
Via Arnaldo Fusinato, 57 (May 5 only)
Via S. Giovanni di Verdara, 36 (May 5 only)
Riviera S. Benedetto, 90 (accessibile a persone con disabilità se accompagnate)
Via Euganea, 48 (May 5 only)
Via del Vescovado, 30 new
Riviera Paleocapa, 10 (May 5 only)
Via Dimesse, 8
Via Dimesse, 25 re-entry
Via Acquette, 4 (May 4 only)
Via Rogati, 17 (May 4 only)
Via Carlo Dottori, 3
Via Carlo Dottori, 7
Via Marsala, 49
Via Marsala, 59
Riviera Tito Livio, 9 (May 4 afternoon and May 5 only)
An ecological, intergenerational and family friendly festival
Anime Verdi aims to be an opportunity for experimentation and community development through...
- a focus on children with free admission for all under 15, the issuance of a personalized wristband and a passport to collect stamps from all gardens. With 20 stamps you get a free eco-friendly gadget;
- a focus on the younger generation, with reduced admission for those under 25 and the active involvement of a staff of more than 100 volunteers, the real engine and soul of the festival, encouraging generational exchange with owners and visitors;
- a focus on the environment with materials printed on paper from certified forests and wristbands made of 100% recycled plastic; advises the use of public water, marking on the map the drinking fountains from which it is possible to drink and refill. The event is certified to ISO 14001 standards to protect the environment;
- a focus on community, landscape and social networks, promoting events in a participatory mode, fostering accessibility and the development of networks, collaborating with some of the main social and cultural actors in the City of Padua with the aim of weaving useful ties to activate territories and free up resources. At the entrance of each garden the Postcards from the Festival mailbox to share thoughts about the visiting experience.